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Stress on an unsound mind

Updated: Jan 4, 2021

Some of us, humanity I mean, have a unique talent,

If you want to call it that.

I call it a curse.

Now, I do anyway.

I used to think it was a talent.

We have the ability to



In two places, at once.

I used to think it was great,

like living,

In the past, present, future, at once,

E x i s t i n g....

Simultaneously.... in 3 worlds, reality, memory, and expectation,

But, then I realized I am not God,

and I have the ability, to



fracture, I mean, such a hard word to say...

and then I end up leaving pieces of myself places.

Places, I go alone, in my mind....

And... I am starting to think that might be dangerous,

Upon sober reflection.

Tell me, what you think, or leave me, to talk to myself.

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